Busted Paradigms
The stock market is where you need to be for the long term.
Just use an Index Fund.
Housing always goes up.
Get as much house as you can afford.
Just put that on the Home Equity Loan.
Big gas hog vehicles.
Flip this house.
Paradigms Bloated and Soon to Bust
Just toss it out, it’s cheaper to buy a new one.
Just get a divorce.
I can’t move back in with Mom and Dad.
I can’t move in with my kids and burden them.
I thought money markets were safe.
You can always trust cash.
At least I can use my credit card if things get bad.
Gold, what’s that?
Don’t worry, Washington will fix it.
Driving habits, eg., people driving to and from work with no riders.
High Paid athletes.
Pro Sports.
The Pro Sports revenue model itself.
Obesity everywhere.
Food TV.
I eat what I want, when I want.
If you don’t like it, just toss it.
Undecided majors in college.
College affordability/high priced schools.
Just charge it.
My job is safe.
Our country can fight a war anywhere, anytime.
Just Bail em out.
Retail Consumerism.
NEW Paradigms to come
Understanding money and economic basics.
You cannot trust Wall Street (well underway)
Political scrutiny from the people.
I talk with my congressman at least once a month.
Taking an interest and getting involved in Government.
Caring about your Government.
Anger/frustration about the state of the nation.
The dollar is not worth very much.
Gold is where you want to be or should have been.
Prices are going up all the time (underway)
Shortages of food, gasoline, etc.
Spend the dollar quick before the price of that item goes even higher.
I never eat fast food.
Eating out is a luxury.
Wasting food is a no-no.
Making homemade bread.
Frugal is in.
Bling is out.
Owning a home is not smart.
Renting is the way to go.
No, we don’t have cable TV.
Small Local newspapers make a comeback.
Who can afford college?
I am lucky and blessed to be employed.
Going to church/temple is good to do for many reasons.
Gardening. (well underway)
Saving money in a safe medium.
3 meals a day, snacks anytime — those were the good old days.
Save the money first, then buy it.
We cannot afford to keep troops all over the globe.
It’s hard to get a credit card.
Yes, I know my neighbors, don’t you know yours?
Able to make basic plumbing and electrical repairs.
Going to the library.
Mechanical knowledge is very handy.
At least baseball is cheap again.