Saturday, July 30, 2005

Not Left Yet

I got my bike up in my truck (said yoda tuff it was) But I cowboy'ed ???? up and did it. So hold the applause till the end please. Also, I sold my couch and love seat, and my wife just bought a leather sectional sp??. Moving is fun when you get new stuff.

I'm at starbux (that is the way they spell it on their Hear Music cd files) like I am all the time. The 56th street Starbucks is the best in all the world. I have found free wifi here, the store across the street does not have their linksys router WEP'ed so I open up my powerbook and boom, wham, pop, zoewe, thud, crack, whoop there it is free internet.


Anonymous said...

Sweet. Free wifi. Good to know. But what store around there has wifi? (picturing area - thinking - hmmm?) I heard the Teriyaki place at Rosauer's has free wifi, too, from one of the neighboring stores.

Kris Barger said...

I think it is euro bagel?????